Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm addicted to Psyllium. In the last 2 weeks, I have eaten 6 quarts of tangy tropical fruit.

The problem with staying in your PJs all day is that you never truly wake up.

A full day of catching up on sleep and never moving more than 7ft from being under the covers has been delightful. My predicament is that I still have 50pgs of research papers to read for tomorrow and a mock-licensing exam to study for later this week.


1) Snuggle with the bunnies while I watch them tear the research papers into confetti.

2) Dance around in my underpants and claim that my under-preparedness was a rogue act of insanity. Since I'm doing my psych rotation, I know the criteria I need to fulfill to make my story seem plausible.

3) Finish watching the 3rd season of Scrubs- ostensibly under the excuse that listening to the characters' banter is "studying" in and of itself.

4) Continue to caffeinate myself with homemade chai until I'm so buzzed I can't possible sleep tonight and thereby finish my reading.

Hmm. what to do? what to do?

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