Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekly Update: January Snows On...

  • Current Scholastic Pursuits
    • T-minus 5 days, dear friends, until my CaRMS tour begins. And while many of my colleagues have already begun their interviews and told me that it's really not as bad as it seems, I can't help but get my knickers in a twist. I'm sure I'll calm down once I get on the road but the anticipation might just be killing me.
    • This weekend, Penguin came down to visit and tour the ice wine festival with some of our mutual friends. We spent Saturday driving between 7 (SEVEN!!) wineries for various snacks and tastings. It was so much fun but also very intense. In between wineries, Penguin would quiz me on potential interview questions. Needless to say, by the end of the day, I was cooked. Thankfully, we had planned to share a very low-key meal with Scarlet, mr.ak, and Redwood. Redwood made the most delicious risotto ever and it was a wonderful way to wrap up what had already been a lovely, lovely day.
    • Today, Penguin and I talked interviews over breakfast and coffee, then he left to drive North while Redwood and I went back to the gym. I can't believe that OTM will be over in 5 days!! But, I think I've achieved my goals. I'm feel sexy and sleek. This little minx is ready to rocket across the country and flash her guns.
  • Recipe I've Been Drooling Over
    • Bread Cones. Honestly, does it get more delicious than this?


  • TED Talk I Watched This Week
    • I loved this presentation by an opera singer who continues her career after a double lung transplant. She really hits it home when she says, "Stop letting disease divorce us from our dreams."

  • Song of the Week
    • January Hymn by The Decemberists
    • The opening lyrics couldn't be more appropriate: "On a winter Sunday, I go to clear away the snow..."
  • Thing I'm Most Grateful for this Week
    • Penguin once again tops the list! I am so blessed to have such an amazing and wonderful man in my life. The depths of my gratitude for his many gifts are unplumbable.

  • Thing I'm Most Looking Forward to this Week
    • Penguin's 31st Birthday is on Thursday! And I fly out to Edmonton to start my interviews on Friday... it will be an eventful week.

  • Bunny Photo of the Week

      • Here are the buns, basking in warm July sunshine. Mmm, I can't tell you how much I'd love to lie in a puddle of sunshine right now, too.

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