Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekly Update: Happy First Day of Spring!

  • Current Scholastic Pursuits
    • God, there is so much work to do for family medicine. I have 4 papers, 2 presentations, and an exam this week. Wanna know how much I'm done on Sun afternoon? 1 presentation. 2.5 papers. No exam prep. Ungh. Shoot me.

  • Recipe I've Been Drooling Over
    • I plan on trying to make pickled beets this week with my candy cane beets from the market. I hope they're as tasty as they look!
Picture of Pickled Beets Recipe

    • Also, as you all know, I will be making honey cakes this week. Normally, I make them on the 1st day of spring. However, with the ridiculous work load - I'm going to hold off and make them next Sat instead. Place your orders now! The recipe is a secret and I only make them once a year!!

  • Favourite Thing on Etsy this Week
    • I don't know why I'm so into dresses right now but they seem to always be catching my eye. Maybe it's the nice weather. This one would be lovely for summer...
Spring flowers dress in blue

  • What I'm Reading Right Now
    • I'm still working on the Munk Debates. You can probably guess that I haven't had a lot of time for leisure reading in the last week... but I will persevere!

  • TED Talk I Watched This Week
    • Robert Thurman was the first american to be ordained a Tibetian Monk by the Dalai Lama. Here he is discussing compassion...
    • My favourite quote from his talk: "You give birth in your mind to the idea of compassion because you realize that you yourself and your pains and pleasures are finally too small a theatre for you intelligence - it's really too boring - whether you feel like this or that - it's no longer enough... the key to compassion is that it is more fun. Because when you open up like that, what good does it do to add [your own] misery to other people's misery? Compassion means to feel the feelings of others. When you stop focusing on the self-centered... when you get up in the morning and think, what can I do to make another person happy?  And you do that, then your perception broadens. And that is nirvana."

  • Song of the Week
    • Because it's still stuck in my head even though I watched the 1st Year's video 2 weeks ago...

  • Thing I'm Most Grateful for This Week
    • Sunshine!! The weather has finally turned nice. I was really starting to feel down with all the rain. What better remedy to feeling blue than spring bursting forth and warm sunshine on your shoulders.

  • Thing I'm Most Looking Forward to This Week
    • Finishing clerkship on Friday. Wow. Unbelievable, eh?

  • Bunny Photo of the Week
    • Hoyle, at his finest (and most indignant).


    Jen said...


    meg said...

    pickled beets are so tasty! and so easy! you probably already have a recipe, but if not, i have a great one that i am SUPER pleased with.

    also, i may or may not have eaten half a jar of beets the other night.

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