Dos moi pou sto kai kino taen gaen.
Stories of a modern girl in search of the Archimedean point.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Weekly Update: 1 Month and 1 Day until the End of Med School!
Current Scholastic Pursuits
Exactly one month from now I will be having a restless, sleepless, anxious day. It will be the day before I write my LMCC (licensing exam) and I will be prepared but also scarred sh*tless. If it goes anything like my last OSCE, though, I will be a rock star. I've been told over and over again that I shouldn't sweat the LMCC, but I'm sweating anyways. We all do. That's just the way it is.
The nice thing about studying like a fiend is that my schedule has become a whole lot more flexible. My little cerebrum can only focus for so long, so after a few hours of studying, I take myself to the gym and work it. I'm getting into wicked shape. Yesterday, after yoga, and inspired by the lovely sunshine, I took the Impala out for her first run of the season. We did 50km in 2hrs 10 min. I was flying - and, thanks to my many hours at the gym in weeks previous, it was no big deal. My shoulders are a little sore today but that's it! I can't wait to get out for another spin now... endorphin addiction at its finest.
My dress obsession continues. I love the AfterShowerShop. Everything is so awesome. I'd love to get this one for summer, too.
What I'm Reading Right Now
Nothing but Toronto Notes is gettin' read these days, sorry.
TED Talk I Watched This Week
Last week, my friends car pooled with me to the North to visit our respective significant others. They got together on the weekend and went to see some slam poetry while Penguin and I were out watching Rango. Their discussion on the way home made this TED talk catch my interest. I absolutely love the poem Sarah Kay starts with: B. There's 2 links here: one for just the poem and the other for the whole talk.
Song of the Week
I couldn't decide which song to post today, so here's both!
If Ever There's a Reason by Derby
To Build a Home by the Cinematic Orchestra
Thing I'm Most Grateful for This Week
This past Wednesday was our graduation ceremony for our regional campus. Having completed all the evaluated aspects of med school (except the licensing exam but that's administered by the MCC, not by Mac), we partied it up with our preceptors at a very suave location in the tropical tundra. Penguin drove for 6 hours on Wed afternoon to spend the evening with me and then drove 6 hours home the next morning to go back to work. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. I've never loved that man more in my life. Thank you, Penguin! xo
Thing I'm Most Looking Forward to This Week
This upcoming weekend I'm doing my ACLS course and since I'll be in the nearest big town, I'm going to meet up with a dear friend on Sat night to celebrate her birthday. I'm really looking forward to seeing her!
Bunny Photo of the Week
Jazz continues to molt but I think it's finally in its last stages. We've survived the bunny blizzard! Hurrah!
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