Sunday, October 4, 2009

I used to dream about saving the world. Now I just dream about the next holiday.

There is something seriously wrong with my furnace. Aside from the fact that it hasn't been producing anything but cold air since I turned the heat on and now my house is hovering around 10 degrees, it also makes this bizarre buzzing noise that fluctuates in volume, intensity, and duration. During the day - not a big deal. But at night... good grief!! The furnace itself is located in the bedroom and it definitely kept me up until 2am until I turned on the radio loudly (set to static) in order to drown out the noise.

Does anyone know how to fix something like this? I just can't find the loose part that's the culprit.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm pretty sure that's why God invented landlords.

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