Today was decidedly not sunny. I tried to make the best of it - I caught up on my sleep from the Friday night episode, made a delicious breakfast (I finally got my frittata to rise!!), and then did some solid studying for the afternoon.
At 3 pm, I decided that I would not be intimidated by grey skies and pulled on my running shoes to do a 20km. I was actually excited to go - I'd eaten well that day, slept well the night before, and had new music on my ipod that I was anxious to listen to with my full attention.
Unfortunately, I discovered that 12 hours is not enough recovery time from an allergic reaction. I chalked the first painful 2 km up as mere 'warm up discomfort' but just I was in the shadow of the canal-spanning bridge and 5 km from home, my body went into full revolt. My gut contracted with an iron fist and my calves spasmed. My sides stitched together so that it was hard to breathe and I felt the colour and warmth drain from my face straight down to my toes.
I staggered to a nearby bench and sat down, gasping like a fish out of water. I kept my eyes glued to the pavement as tried to muffle the agony of my mutinous muscles as the couple I had just past running, strolled past with curious and somewhat concerned glances.
After 5 min, the pain wasn't getting better. I sucked hard on my camel pack hose with hopes that it was an electrolyte thing and my Gu2O would help. No luck. I got up to walk but felt dizzy and sat back down. I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere fast. It was time to swallow my pride and call for a rescue.
Scarlet arrived in her car, Bubbles, and scooped me up from my roadside crash zone. She delivered me safely home where I wolfed down an orange, drank some water, and slithered pitifully into a hot bath to put the sword to the last of my cramps. After swallowing a few advils and choking back tears of frustration, I once again returned to my couch... never so happy as to see Tortora and remain sedentary.
Better luck tomorrow, I guess.
1 comment:
Dear daughter,
Take better care of yourself, especially after some =troubles=! Your rapidlly accumulating medical training can also be applied to yourself, you know! Remember that you should be the doctor in the ER, not the patient!
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