Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Update: January

  • Current Scholastic Pursuits
    • I apologize for the belated update. I drove back from the North to the Tropical Tundra last night and it was a rough drive. I left at 4 pm and didn't get in until nearly 11pm on account of some terrible accidents that caused the highway to close in 2 different locations. When I finally got home, I discovered that I had no TP or family cloths AND no toothpaste. Plus, it was -28 and it took me 4 trips to empty all the essential stuff out of the car. Brrr!!!
    • On the plus side, the detour we had to take on the highway allowed me to drive through Sparkle City (seriously, it's a real town!) once again. And, it is lovely to be home and see my tree again. I missed Fig.
    • Over the weekend, we were up at the cottage burning brush. Initially, there were 4 of us to do the work (my aunt and uncle came to visit from BC). However, 5 minutes after getting there, my uncle poked his eye with a stick and we sent him to the hospital to get it checked out. By the time my aunt and uncle got back, Penguin and I had the whole brush pile out on the ice and ready to burn. It was absolutely breath-takingly beautiful up there. After the flames were out, we headed back to town. Penguin and I were so exhausted by the time we got home that we just showered and went straight to bed. Penguin was particularly tired (he drove home through the mild snow storm while the rest of us slept in the car) and he forgot to rinse the soap out of his hair before exiting the shower. It was actually pretty cute to see him realize this and scamper back in to finish the job. Hahaha.
    • Back in the Tropical Tundra, today was my first day of nephrology and I'll be doing this for the next 2 weeks until the XCanada Tour begins for interviews. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.
    • Hope you're all having a great week!

  • Favourite Thing on Etsy this Week

  • What I'm Reading Right Now
    • I didn't get a lot of reading done over the past little bit because school has been so busy but with any luck, I'll polish these 2 off in the next week or so.
    • I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley (continues!)
    • The Unconscious Civilization by John Ralston Saul (continues!)

  • TED Talk I Watched This Week
    • Naomi Klein: Addicted to Risk

  • Song of the Week
    • Ok Go remains my favourite music video band. They're just so awesome. Check out more of their work on YouTube.
    • Did you notice the goat?? Hehehe.

  • Thing I'm Most Grateful for This Week
    • Penguin. Leaving on Sunday night to come back to the Tropical Tundra was the hardest separation yet. Over the last month, Penguin has spoiled, pampered, supported, laughed, beaten (at the gym), fed, and loved me to a greater degree than I could ever have imagined. I am so profoundly grateful for the magnitude of blessings he represents in my life.

  • Thing I'm Most Looking Forward to This Week
    • The Ice Wine Festival is on this weekend! Penguin and some of his dear friends are coming down to enjoy it with us. Yay!!

  • Bunny Photo of the Week

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