Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.

Some musings on the federal election... (you can take them or leave them but we're all entitled to our own, educated opinions)

Congratulations Jack Layton and the NDP - you are the official opposition at last! And I think that you will serve that position well over the next 4 years. I'm looking forward to watching you hold Harper accountable and advocate for the values of the majority of Canadians who voted against the Conservatives. If you manage to do this and keep Quebec onside, who knows what could happen 4 years from now! On a more immanent note, I look forward to seeing you advance the need for a positive and respectful tone in parliament.

Congratulations for Elizabeth May for being a brilliant lady, a wonderful orator, and carrying the hope for change and accountability into the House of Commons with your sheer determination and vivacity.

It was hugely moving to watch Gilles Duceppe announce his defeat and retirement from the BQ. I've never held separatist values but I've greatly respected him as a politician and a gentleman and I will miss seeing him in the House and at future political debates.

Hopefully, the Liberals have learned an important lesson that running a platform best described as "we're the only alternatives to the Conservatives" is egotistical and unrealistic. Iggy performed well in the debates but failed to deliver a platform that addressed the values and needs of the majority of the people. Moreover, hopefully he learned that smear campaigns are loathsome, derogatory acts that do not inspire confidence in your capability in the House of Commons or as a leader (this goes for the Conservatives, too, but more on that later). While I'm a staunch NDP supporter, I would love to see the Liberals rally by reforming their leadership and platform so that they can once again represent the psyche of the Canadian people and live up to their significant cultural heritage.

I'm surprised and disappointed to acknowledge that Harper succeeded in gaining a majority. I have, however, felt that despite the votes, this campaign has done much to expose some of the inconsistencies and hypocrisy that the Conservatives have undertaken while in office for the last 2 terms. Hopefully, the publicity of these acts and the significant swing in the popular vote to the more left political spectrum will cause them to rethink some of their scheming and better champion the values of the Canadian people. It's a tenuous hope but I'm an optimistic person.

Lastly, I am absolutely thrilled that many Canadians gave up their apathetic ways and showed up to vote in this election. It will be important to remember that this voice is one that is not only exercised once every 4 years but on a daily basis: both by remaining engaged as citizens in the actions of parliament as well as through an open dialogue with the MPs that we've elected so that our opinions and values may be reflected as political actions and global situations evolve in the future.

O Canada, indeed!

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