Monday, April 18, 2011

Just a spoonful of sugar and a good sharpie marker... put your manners where I can see them!

Oh crap! I really wanted to post this as part of my weekly update but then forgot... It's a great piece by David Lebovitz (infamous food blogger extraordinaire) about proper etiquette for serviette use. Specifically, cloth serviettes (which are the only kind that I, the paper-abhorring-granola-crunching-tree-hugging-eco-freak, offer at my table). I actually learned something from this post, too! Did you know, for instance, that if you crumple up your napkin and leave it on the table at the end of the meal that it signifies you don't intend to return to that establishment again? Whereas if you fold it up neatly, it means that you intend to come back again and again because you loved it so much... Oh the subtlety of graceful domesticity! How I heart thee.

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